This is unsurprising to anyone having even a passing interest in military history: pre-railroad-era armies had to be supplied with immense amounts of food for their immense numbers of horses. The Battle of Waterloo for example involved somewhere around 60,000 horses.

It wasn't just about the cavalry and some other types of soldiers who rode horses, it was about all the supplies and field weaponry and whatnot being pulled by literal horsepower. A working adult horse needs to eat around 3 percent of its body weight in fodder per _day_. And obviously they are not small animals.

All that fodder might be brought along (in wagons pulled by horses), or might be "requisitioned" (stolen) as the army moved cross-country. Whatever - the key point is that 100 percent of it had to have been grown someplace, by somebody, using a helluva lot of land.

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Almost the entirety of our agrabusiness model completely relies on fossil fuels. You’re missing it or intentionally disingenuous. Either way, do better.

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?? Is this reply to some other thread or comment, maybe got misplaced?

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Obviously, you don’t understand the Celtic. Sorry it’s way too complex and elaborate to explain it to you.

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LOL, well Notes does have a mute-asswipe feature for a reason...buh bye

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Like I’m going to miss your agitprop nebulous bullshit? Don’t let the door hit you in the ass botboi

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We’ve built roads, cleared entire bio regional ecosystems first.

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Are you sure Geoffrey “preposterous” “nonsense” etc isn’t just an angry Nag. 🤔 😂 kinda seemed like the sort of reply that’s throwing dust in the air. #triggered

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Who knows? Gave me a good excuse to write this blog post anyway

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I think Geoffery is HEBIII

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